Service Charges

Revised service charges w.e.f. 26.09.2023 are inclusive of GST : (Service charges will not be applicable to Staff/ retired staff of KCCB and Govt. accounts/ Semi government/ Board/ Corporations etc.)

Updated on 31.10.2022

1. Outstation Cheque Collection

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
i Upto ₹10,000/- ₹55/-
ii ₹10,001/- to ₹1,00,000/- ₹110/-
iii Above ₹1,00,000/- ₹165/-
iv Collection of Local Cheques Free
v Collection of Cheques for the repayment of Term Loan installment Free

Note: The above charges will be all inclusive. No additional charges such as Courier Charges, Out of pocket Expenses should be collected from the customer. The outstation cheque collected through another bank – Commission on 50:50 basis, i.e, Remitting bank to charge 50% & Collecting bank to charge 50% of the applicable rate. The collection of instruments of Govt, Welfare Services, Charitable and Religious Institutions, Defence Personnel in active services and Societies for PDS purpose are allowed at par, provided they have account with us. While making payments of DD(s) the BM are required to ensure due diligence w.r.t. Security features / aspects.

2. Collection of Bills

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
i Upto ₹10,000/- ₹118/-
ii Above ₹10,000/- ₹10/- per ₹1,000/- or part thereof, Minimum ₹125/- & Maximum ₹30,000/-

Note: Actual Postage/Out of pocket Expenses will be charged extra.

3. Returning Charges/Handling Charges for Cheques / Bills return unpaid

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
i Local Cheques / Bills ₹175/- per cheque for SB accounts.
ii Local Cheques / Bills ₹260/- per cheque for other than SB accounts.
iii Outstation Cheques / Bills ₹300/- for all the accounts.

Note: The above charges are to be realized under intimation to the party on a/c of insufficient fund. Postage to be realized extra.

4. Closure of Accounts (within 1 year of its opening)

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
i Saving Bank A/c with Cheque Book ₹150/-
ii Saving Bank A/c without Cheque Book ₹100/-
iii Current Accounts ₹250/-
iv RD Accounts ₹100/-

Note: The Service Charges are to be levied if the A/C is closed within one year of opening, except the following cases :

a) Where Account is transferred to another branch of the Bank,

b) Opening of another A/C in joint names &

c) Death of the A/C Holder.

d) Closure charges will not be applicable to BSBDA/ PMJDY/ No Frill/ Small accounts opened under Financial Inclusion.

5. Penalty Charges on RD Accounts

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
i Penalty Charges for depositing delayed installments in RD ₹ 2/- (per ₹ 100/- per month)

Note: If the customer credits the equivalent installments in advance, penal charges will not be applicable for delayed installments in RD.

6. Minimum Balance Criteria for Saving Bank Account

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
i SB A/c With Cheque Book ₹2000/-
ii SB A/c Without Cheque Book ₹500/-
iii With Cheque Book for Senior citizen ₹100/-
iv SB No Frill A/c Nil
v SB Govt A/c Nil

7. Minimum Balance Criteria for Current Account

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
i Individual ₹5,000/-
ii Others ₹5,000/-

8. Penal Charges where Minimum Balance as mentioned at Sr No 6 & 7 is not maintained

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
i SB A/c With Cheque Book ₹100/- per half year
ii SB A/c Without Cheque Book ₹50/-per half year
iii Current A/c Individual ₹200/-per half year
iv Current A/c Others ₹300/-per half year

Note:  In case the balance is less than the amount of charges to be levied, entire available amount in the account would be deducted and balance amount would be deducted as and when amount is deposited in the account. However, it may be ensured that outstanding balance in the account does not become negative. Minimum Balance Charges will not apply to Society, Staff A/C & Govt. Accounts, BSBDA, No Frill, PMJDY accounts.

9. Cheque Book Charges for SB/Current Accounts

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
i Saving Bank A/c 40 Cheque leaves free per year, thereafter ₹2/- for additional leaf.
ii Current A/c 60 Cheque leaves free per year, thereafter ₹3/- for additional leaf.
iii Issuance of KCC Cheque Book Nil

Note: There shall be no charges for issuing of cheque books against Govt. Accounts/ Boards & Corporation/ Federations/ Societies.

10. Charges for issuing Demand Draft on HDFC, Axis Bank, ICICI Bank, Branches of the Bank, Apex Bank, JCCB and Cash Order

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
i For All DDs/Cash orders irrespective of amount ₹3/-per thousand or part thereof Min ₹30/- & Max ₹12,500/-
ii For students DD up to Rs. 1000/- (Charges to be adjusted manually) ₹20/-
iii For students – admission fees , examination fees from ₹1,001/- upto ₹5,000/-(Charges to be adjusted manually) ₹30/-
iv For students DD Above ₹5,000/- ₹3/- per thousand or part thereof Min ₹30/- & Max ₹12,500/-

Note: The Issuance of drafts of Educational Loan, Welfare services, Govt, PM/CM Relief Fund, Charitable and Religious Institution, Defence Personnel in active services, Societies for PDS Purpose are allowed at par provided they have account with us. While issuing DD(s) BM is required to ensure due diligence w.r.t. Security features/ aspects.

11. Issuance of Duplicate Demand Draft/Cash Order/Re-validation/Cancellation.

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
i For DDs/Cash Orders upto ₹50,000 10% of the DD amount( Rounded upto nearest Rupees) and Maximum ₹200/- only
ii For DDs/Cash Orders above ₹50,000 10% of the DD amount( Rounded upto nearest Rupees) and Maximum ₹1,000/- only

12. Service Charges on Deposits/Standing Instructions

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
i Allowing operation through Power of Attorney/Mandate/Change of Authorized Signatories, Change of Name, Operating Instruction etc ₹118/-
ii From own Account to own Account Nil
iii From own Account to other Account ₹60/-
iv Stop Payment Charges ₹118/- per instruction or maximum ₹500/-

13. Failed Standing Instruction Charges

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
i On all type of transactions from own account to own account/ from own account to other’s account with KCCB or any other Bank ₹100/-

Note: Charges will be auto deducted through CBS

14. Loss of Cheque Book SB/ CA

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
i Loss of Cheque Book SB/ CA ₹50/- per cheque leaf for SB & CA. Maximum ₹ 500/–

15. Processing Charges

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
ii KCC Upto₹ 3.00 lac Nil
iii KCC above ₹ 3.00 lac 0.60% of the sanctioned amount subject to maximum ₹50,000/
iv Processing Charges for Term Loan upto ₹1.00 Crore other than HBA 0.60% of the sanctioned amount subject to minimum of ₹500/- and maximum ₹50,000/-
v Loan against NSC/KVP/LIC ₹120/-
i Processing Charges for Term loan above ₹ One Crore upto 7.5 Crore other than Govt. 0.50% subject to minimum ₹50,000/- and maximum ₹3,00,000/-
ii Processing Charges for Term Loan above ₹7.5 Crore other than Govt. 0.30% subject to minimum ₹3,00,000/-
i Processing Charges for New Cash Credit Limit 0.60% of the sanctioned amount subject to minimum of ₹500/- and maximum ₹50,000/-
ii Processing Charges for Renewal of Cash Credit Limit and KCC Limit (above ₹ 3.00 lac) 0.30% of the sanctioned amount subject to minimum of ₹500/- and maximum ₹ 50,000/-
18 Processing Charges for HBA 0.50% of the sanctioned amount subject to minimum of ₹500/- and maximum ₹30,000/-
Note: No Service Charges will be levied on LAFD & SLI against deposit accounts
Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
19 Credit Information Com.(CIC) Charges ₹150
20 Issuance of duplicate FDR/ LTDR (Charges manually) ₹100/-
21 Safe Custody Charges
i Scrips (For Each Scrip) ₹200/- Per Scrip per annum.
ii Sealed Cover Boxes measuring not more than 20cm*10cm ₹1,800/- per annum.
Note: This service is not provided to general public.

22. Postal Charges

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
i Ordinary post ₹15/-
ii Courrier / Regd post ₹50/-

Note: These Postal Charges vide Sr. No. 22 will be levied where Bank actually incur the expenditure and are to be charged manually.

23. Safe Deposit Lockers Charges

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
i Small ₹800/-per annum or part thereof
ii Medium ₹1,200/-per annum or part thereof
iii Large ₹2,500/-per annum or part thereof
iv Extra Large ₹4,500/-per annum or part thereof

Note: For existing employees/ retired member of the staff, 50% of locker charges are applicable. Branches should ensure that rent is recovered in advance for each F.Y. If the locker is hired in the middle of the year, the locker charges shall be obtained in advance proportionately for remaining months (including charges for the full month in which the locker is hired) till the end of current financial year.

24. Penalties for Locker Rent in Default

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
i Small ₹50/- per month or part thereof
ii Medium ₹75/- per month or part thereof
iii Large ₹100/- per month & part thereof
iv Extra Large ₹120/- per month & part thereof

25. Safe Deposit Locker Registration charges and Break open of Locker/ Loss of Keys

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
a One time Registration Charges of Lockers Large : ₹ 1,200/-Small/ Medium : ₹ 600/-
b Break open of Locker/ Loss of Keys ₹ 1,000/- plus actual charges of break open and preparing of keys (paid to manufacturers).

Note : Branches are advised to maintain the proper record of the visits of the customers in Locker register.

26. RTGS Transactions Charges

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
i ₹2 Lac to ₹5 Lac ₹28/- per transaction.
ii Above ₹5 Lac ₹57/- per transaction.

27. Service Charges for NEFT

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
i Upto ₹10,000/- ₹ 2.50/- per transaction.
ii Above ₹10,001/- to upto ₹1,00,000/- ₹ 5.00/- per transaction.
iii Above ₹1,00,000/- to upto ₹2,00,000/ ₹ 15.00/- per transaction.
iv Above ₹2,00,000/- ₹ 25.00/- per transaction.

31Cash Deposit Transaction Charges : Current Accounts32Transfer of fund from one branch to another branchFrom home branch to non home branch free upto ₹2,00,000/- and above ₹Two lacs to ₹ Five lac ₹50/- per day per account.

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
28 Bank Guarantee Charges(Manually) 1% of the Guarantee amount should be collected for the entire Bank Guarantee period including claim period in advance at the time of issuing bank Guarantee.
29 Security for Bank Guarantee 25% Liquid Security and rest 75% Collateral
30 Cash Deposit Transaction: Saving Bank(Excluding Financial Inclusion Account)
i Cash Deposit at Home Branch 5 transactions are Free
ii Beyond 5 transactions in a month(Excluding Alternate Channel Transaction) ₹50/- per transaction
iii Deposit of cash at Non Home Branch to Account Free upto ₹20,000/- and for ₹20,001/- to ₹49,000/-(maximum) per day per account @₹50/-
Note: Charges will be auto deducted through CBS
a Cash Deposit Transactions: Current Accounts (for home branch) Up to ₹ 2.00 lac: Free (Per day)
Above ₹ 2.00 lac: ₹ 1/- per thousand, subject to min. ₹ 50/-, max ₹ 15000/-
b Cash Deposit Transactions: Current Accounts (for non home branch) upto ₹20,000/-: Free for ₹20,001/- to ₹49,000/- (maximum) per day per account: @ ₹50/-
Note: Charges will be auto deducted through CBS
Above ₹ Five lacs @ .005% subject to minimum ₹50/- per day per account.
33 Clearing Charges (Anywhere Banking Facility) Free of Cost
Note: Before allowing this facility at Sr. No. 31 the BMs are required to ensure compliance to KYC norms and security aspects strictly.
34 Pass book updation at non home branch No charges
35 Transaction Charges Credit Transaction – cash/ transfer- in RD, Transfer of TDR Interest, Term Loan/ CC Limit form other than home branch is free of cost irrespective of amount.
36 Interest Certificate (To be charged manually by the BM) First Copy Free. Extra Copy ₹50/- per certificate.
37 Duplicate Pass Book/ Statement With latest balance ₹60/- ₹1/- per entry for previous entries.
38 Issuance of Statement of Account for all type of accounts. First copy Free. Thereafter for additional copy @ ₹1/- per entry- Min ₹60/-.
39 Issuance of No Due Certificate. (To be charged manually by the BM) ₹50/- per certificate (Except KCC, SHG & Govt Sponsored Schemes)

40. Charges for Rupay ATM cum Debit Card/Rupay KCC Card(in case of issuance of ATM)

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
i Charges for issue of Fresh/First Rupay Card(including replacement of Maestro Card) Nil
ii Charges for issue of Duplicate Rupay Card ₹150/-
iii Re-pin of Rupay Card ₹50/-
iv In case of misprint of Pin Mailer ₹50/-(for every successive Re-pin request)
v ATM Card/PIN/Kit returned by post due to wrong address ₹100/-

41. Charges for Internet Banking

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
i Login Password ₹25/- (inclusive of Registered Postage Charges)
ii Transaction Password ₹25/- (inclusive of Registered Postage Charges)

42. Annual Charges for Rupay ATM cum Debit Card

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
i Rupay ATM cum Debit Card ₹100/-

Note: Calendar year means the completion of one year from the date of activation of Rupay Card. Date of activation is date of linking the card online.

43. SMS Alert Charges

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
i SMS Alert Charges for SB/ CA/ KCC Accounts with ATM facilities ₹15/- per quarter
ii SMS Alert Charges for Other Accounts without ATM facilities (where the customer has opted for SMS Alert in the account) ₹15/- per quarter

44. Transactions Charges for Rupay ATM cum Debit Card/Rupay KCC Card (In case of KCCB ATM card used at other Banks ATM Machine)

Note: Before allowing this facility at Sr. No. 31 the BMs are required to ensure compliance to KYC norms and security aspects strictly.

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
i Transactions charges for every subsequent transaction thereafter (Financial Transactions) ₹20/-
ii Transactions charges for every subsequent transaction thereafter (Non Financial Transactions) ₹5/-

45. Transactions Charges for Rupay ATM cum Debit Card/Rupay KCC Card (In case of KCCB ATM card used at KCCB ATM Machine)

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
i Free Financial transactions 5
ii Free Non Financial transactions unlimited
iii Rupay ATM cum Debit Card charges for Successive transactions ₹6/-
iv Rupay KCC Nil

46. IMPS Transaction Charges

Sr. No. Product Name At branch level
i SB Ch. NM Pub Ind ₹6/-
ii SB Ch. NM Sr CTZN ₹6/-
iii SB Non Ch SRC ₹6/-
iv SB Non Ch NM ₹6/-
v CA NM Pub Ind ₹6/-
vi Sec Loan to Ind ₹6/-
vii CC Hypo to Ind ₹6/-

Note: IMPS Service transaction charges through Internet Banking Mobile Banking are nil

Service Charges on Advances

Sr. No. Service Charges for the Customers
47. Commitment Charges
i The commitment charges over the unutilized amount of credit / over draft facility provided to customer wiil be charged because the bank has committed to said customer, that they will lend him/her the sanctioned amount. 1. if utilization is up to 75% – Nil.
2. if utilization is 50% to 75% – 0.25% + GST on unutilized portion.
3. if utilization is less than 50% – 0.50% + GST on unutilized portion.
Note: Charges will be auto deducted through CBS
48. Service Charges other than sanction of Credit Limit
i Cash Credit / Letter of Credit 1. Restructuring/ Reschedulement of Loan – 50% of the applicable processing charges in that product.
2. Substitution of Collateral Security (change of security) – 0.05% of sanctioned loan amount. Min. ₹500/- Max. ₹ 5,000/-.
3. Release of Collateral Security (during the currency of loan) – 0.05% of sanctioned loan amount. Min. ₹ 500/- Max. ₹ 5,000/-.
4. Change in Terms and Conditions – 0.05% of sanctioned loan amount. Min. ₹ 500/- Max. ₹ 5,000/-.
Note: Charges will be manually deducted by the Branch and not to levy release of collateral security charges on the closure of loan account.
49. Project Appraisal fees
i Will be applicable in case the project will got appraise by outer agencies Where the project will got appraise by outer agencies the entire amount/ appraisal fees will be borne by the borrower (in addition to the normal processing charges).
Note: Charges will be manually deducted by the Branch
50. Processing Charges on late renewal of CC Limits
i Late renewal of CC limits above 1 month to 3 months 0.10% of sanctioned limit. Min ₹ 250/- Max. ₹ 5,000/-.
ii Late renewal of CC limits above 3 months 0.15% of sanctioned limit. Min ₹ 500/- Max. ₹ 10,000/-.
Note: Charges will be manually deducted by the Branch in addition to processing charges for renewal of CC Limit and KCC Limit above ₹ 3.00 lacs.